みなさまとお約束しました、CDはやぶさ組曲〜Lullaby of Muses〜 の中の「Back to My Arms!」の歌詞カードをブログで公開、イラストを募集していましたが、このたびとてもすてきなカードに変身しました!
Chance!!! Music by Emiko Kai Word by Ruriko Sazuka
Muses-C, dance, stomp in the Milky Way.
Muses-C, gig, swing-by, the Rock and roll.
Dazzle, Limelight,
Rhythm, Xeno-tune,
Kala Chakra, Chance!
Now! You all dance, stomp to the Milky Way.
You'll jolly gig, swing-by, the Rock and roll.
Dazzle, Limelight,
Rhythm, Xeno-tune,
Kala Chakra, Chance!
New Era, rarara, Popping! chacha! O le! Razzle! Space!
New Love, lalala, Get kiss! chacha! O le! Come on! Win your way!
Dash! manana, Jump! manana, rarara, rarara
Touch, Deneb! Bon! Yei!
Back to My Arms! Music by Emiko Kai Word by Ruriko Sazuka
Back to my arms, I can tell how warm your heart grown.
You've been out of this world, the most beautiful thing to find.
Look at the sky, there are silvering stars twinkling.
But see! That's the one you lived.
Preciously ring and ring tinny bells to the Rose.
Come to my arms and lean on my chase to rest your wings.
I am with you, always with you whenever I can hear your lovely,
charming voice.
With closing eyes you see soul inside of me.
Pray with me, Walk with me, my boy.
Tell me how high you'd like to fly again.
Show me how big the power of life, and love.
Back to My Arms!
Music by Emiko Kai
Word by Ruriko Sazuka
Back to my arms, I can tell how warm your heart grown.
You’ve been out of this world, the most beautiful thing to find.
Look at the sky, there are silvering stars twinkling.
But see! That ‘s the one you lived.
Preciously ring and ring tinny bells to the Rose.
Come to my arms and lean on my chase to rest your wings.
I am with you, always with you whenever I can hear your lovely,
charming voice.
With closing eyes you see soul inside of me.
Pray with me, Walk with me, my boy.
Tell me how high you’d like to fly again.
Show me how big the power of life, and love.
Lullaby of Muses
Music by Emiko Kai
Word by Ruriko Sazuka
Listen! The song of Muses' love
Tell me why you can't stop your tears?
How far away you are, I can see your pretty, little, little face.
Look for the green and blue star dune.
I know, you miss the arms of Mama.
Years fly like an arrow.
Found out just solitude sailing in your heart.
Singing the song for you, I can make you smile, my boy.
Lullaby, Lullaby, close your pure, blue eyes.
Moon beam, stars tenderly watching over you.
Stardust's falling on Muses' faces
Only the sounds of (the) silence rise
How far away you are, I can see your sadness, teardrops and true love.
Music by Emiko Kai
Word by Ruriko Sazuka
Muses-C, dance, stomp in the Milky Way.
Muses-C, gig, swing-by, the Rock and roll..
Dazzle, Limelight,
Rhythm, Xeno-tune,
Kala Chakra, Chance!
Now! You all dance, stomp to the Milky Way.
You'll jolly gig, swing-by, the Rock and roll.
Dazzle, Limelight,
Rhythm, Xeno-tune,
Kala Chakra, Chance!
New Era, rarara, Popping! chacha! O le! Razzle! Space!
New Love, lalala, Get kiss! chacha! O le! Come on! Win your way!
Dash! manana, Jump! manana, rarara, rarara
Touch, Deneb! Bon! Yei!
「HAYABUSA Back to the Earth」をプラネタリウムで鑑賞させて頂き、終演後、川口淳一郎先生とスーパーバイザから広報・教育に関して貢献のあった方への感謝状の贈呈があり、なんと、私も頂いてしまいました!
★サイエンスカフェ「はやぶさ〜Well Come Back!〜 スペシャルライブ&トーク in お茶の水ナル」
「STS-131〜Fly to the Future〜Dedicated to Naoko Yamazaki」インナージャケット
そしてこの曲をきっかけに、宇宙や宇宙開発にもっとたくさんの方に興味関心を持っていただき、ご理解・ご支援いただけたら嬉しいと思っています。』 (DVD〜Fly to the Future〜山崎直子さん挨拶文より抜粋)
宇宙飛行士 山崎直子さんに捧げるDVD「STS131〜Fly to the future~」予告
自然写真家の田中達也氏に、STS-131〜Fly to the Future〜の映像を提供して頂きました!
地球の四季を喜びに溢れている植物で表現していたり、宇宙の神秘を語っているオーロラなど、とても美しく、田中氏の暖かく豊かな感性が音楽と交わり、素敵な時を演出します! ⇒自然写真家 田中達也さんHP